Welcome to the Empathy Center Events Page!
Here you  will find:

Join us for an Empathy Circle and Tour on Sundays
11 am PT at The Empathy Center 1964 Las Canoas Rd Santa Barbara
Empathy Circles are the Empathy Centers foundational practice where we take turns speaking and practicing reflective listening in small groups. Join us most Sundays for community building where you can learn more about the center, share conversations and visions, explore how you might like to be involved or  simply have space to share whatever else is on your heart and mind!   

 Learn More:
MAY TRAINING IS FULL! You can still fill out your application and be on the waiting list!
Every two months we host a FREE facilitator training at the Empathy Center. This is where you can learn how to facilitate the Empathy Circles and become a facilitator. Once you are a trained facilitator you can use this practice to build more empathy in your life and the world. You can become a part of the facilitation team at the center, hold your own circles in personal or professional settings or apply what you've learned in many other ways. Click here to learn more and to apply to attend.

Empathy Center Visioning Circles.
First Saturday of the Month, 1 pm PT Online
Join us on line the first Saturday of each month to learn more about the empathy center, share your vision, share how you would like to be involned, make connections and speak with the Empathy Center founder Edwin Rutsch.

Empathy Summit Developers Team
Fridays, 10 am PT Online
Roll up your sleeves and get involved in producing the bimonthly Empathy Summits

Google Calendar of Empathy Events Around the World
Empathy Circles and other Empathy related events are happening around the world!  Use the link above to connect with Empathy events  and Circles around the world including many online circles you can join from your computer where ever you are! 

Calendar of Events and Room Use 
This is where you can see all the different events happening at the empathy center, many of which are hosted not just by the center but by members of the local community. You can use this link to submit your own event and book dates to use various spaces available at the center.

Current Events Calendar at The Empathy Center